Certified translations of official documents

Sometimes, certified versions are required for translations of legal papers, notarial deeds, medical reports, government documents or official papers, such as wills, qualifications or adoption papers. Het Vertaalhuis provides this option. Our certified translators are listed in the Interpreters and Translators Quality Register and are qualified to translate official documents. The certification procedure includes adding a statement to the translation to vouch that it is verbatim and accurate. The authentication is affixed, and the translator’s stamp and signature are added to the document.

If the certified translation also requires legalisation, a statement confirming the authenticity of the translator’s signature is also issued. The legalisation procedure is laborious but has been fortunately simplified by the Apostille Convention, which has been signed by a large number of countries. Apostilles are issued by the registrars of District Courts. If you want a translation to or from a language spoken in a country that has not signed the Apostille Convention (many African countries and countries in the Middle East have not signed it), the document must be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for legalisation. Het Vertaalhuis’ services cover the entire legalisation procedure: we take all the work off your hands.

If you want to know whether a translation needs to be certified, authenticated or even an apostille, please get in touch. Het Vertaalhuis can give you tailor-made advice and explain the procedure to you.